Image: Walt Disney Animation Studios The Disney+ live-action adaptation of Lilo and Stitch has found its little human star. The Hollywood Reporter , following a report in Knight Edge Media , writes that young Hawaiian actress Maia Kealoha has landed the role of Lilo Pelekai. The casting comes after an extensive open call as Disney searched for the remake’s leading role of a girl who adopts a fugitive alien after mistaking it for a dog. The animated version came out in 2002 from directors Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois; the live-action remake will be helmed by Marcel the Shell With Shoes On director Dean Fleischer Camp, with a script by Chris Kekaniokalani Bright. The film recently added actor Zach Galifianakis to the cast in an unknown role (though we hope he’ll be playing Pleakley); we’re still waiting to see who’ll play the story’s other big role: Lilo’s older sister, Nani. Lilo and Stitch will be released straight to Disney+, thought we hope it does get some love on the b...